Black History Month 2023 with Laurent Huttinot
For #BHM2023, MC² looks to celebrate by recognizing members of its workforce as they share their insights and beliefs on what Black History Month means to them. Today, we celebra
Black History Month 2023 with Olivia Baltimore
Throughout the month of February, Americans observe Black History Month to celebrate and recognize the contributions, influence and sacrifices the Black community has had in the de
Hispanic Heritage Month 2022 – John Lopez
Starting September 15th every year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating the histories, contributions, and cultural influence of American citizens whos
Hispanic Heritage Month 2022 – Valerie Rodriguez
Starting September 15th every year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating the histories, contributions, and cultural influence of American citizens whos
MC² Announces CEO Retirement and Succession Plan
Paramus, NJ — MC², an MCH Group company, has announced today its Chief Executive Officer, Rich McAdam, will retire from his role with Don Lee pegged as the next CEO.
Pride month: designing hope
Pride Month is a time dedicated to the uplifting of LGBTQ+ voices, celebrating the community, and supporting human rights.
Pride Month: Events for Hope
An old English proverb once read, “Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow,” and much like any movement, it begins with a single voice. Each event or occasion helps push that voice t
MCH Shareholder, James Murdoch
“I’m James.” The investor in the polo shirt also gets a glass of water for his guests and raves about the fact that he can travel on the tram for free in Basel with his hotel
Embracing Environmental Awareness & Sustainability
Paramus, NJ – Every April 22nd, since 1970, we celebrate the birth of the modern environmental protection movement in the United States known as Earth Day.
Sustainable Actions: The blueprint
Paramus, NJ – Zig Ziglar, an American Author and motivational speaker, once said, “The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist.”